Sunday, October 3, 2010

Okay...there is a bit of a gap between post here. But I don't have too much of a following so hopefully you'll forgive me. Things are going pretty well with the new ear. It's been about nine months since activation and I can't remember how I got by without it.
I haven't put near the time and effort into the new one that I did my first implant, mainly because I haven't had to. But, it still gives me a sense of balance and range of sound that I didn't have before.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Speech

So a got an email a few weeks back asking if I'd be interested in giving an informative speech at Midwest Ear's annual "Sounds and Sauvignon" fund raiser. I just state right here that I'm not that great of a public speaker. I don't have a problem speaking...I'm just not looking to get into politics. At any rate, I replied that I'd be delighted to attend and speak. Having never been I had to inquire about attire and location. And finally about speech content.

The wife and I arrived at the Carriage Club last Thursday and I knew I was in trouble when we almost hit a Bentley that was trying to leave. We went in, had a few wine samples, said a few hello's, and I gave my speech. I'm one of those people who can spend two hours getting a few words together but when it comes time to say them I end up just ad libing. Which is what I ended up doing there. And it worked out okay. I did meet a few people with questions about the implants, so I count it as a night well spent.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Introduction: Part 1

My name is David and this is a blog about my ears. What an introduction. I've been blogging for a few years at a different local, but decided I'd like to have a spot to talk about issues and events involving my cochlear implants. I received hearing aids at the ripe ole age of 13 and wore many different styles until they just couldn't get the job done any longer. Four years ago I received my first cochlear implant in my right ear. It worked so well that this past December I had the left ear implanted also.

I hope to use this blog to share my experiences with the implants and maybe help those who are interested in learning more about them.

Coming Soon

Ideas under construction.